Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm On a Boat!

Hello everyone,
My apologies for the infrequent updates, but the internet was just installed at my house today. From now on posts will be more regular.

Last Sunday (March 1st) I went on an evening cruise around Sydney Harbor with a large group of other study abroad kids. The students on the cruise were from both the University of New South Wales (my school in Randwick) and the University of Sydney (located in the actual city). The cruise was comprised primarily of kids here on the IES (International Education for Students) program; two of my housemates are here through IES, which was how the rest of my house ended up on the cruise.

On board the ship we were treated to a mediocre buffet dinner and an open bar comprised of beer and local wines, as well as a live DJ, who spun mostly House (I can get used to this). The cruise started in trendy darling harbor and took us around Sydney Bay. As the sun set and the late evening blended into the early night we passed by perhaps the most famous landmark in all of Australia, the magnificent Sydney Opera House. One of the greatest architectural spectacles in the world today, the Opera House was partially lit up at night casting picturesque shadows on the water around us.

The cruise lasted for about 3 hours and gave us a wonderful sense of how grand and scenic just this one small section of the city was. We disembarked the ship back at Darling Harbor to be greeted by a party at the Cargo Bar. We spent a few more hours dancing to some good tunes before returning to our home in Coogee late in the night.

My next posts, which should go up in the course of the next few days will be recapping my first foray into surfing (yes, I actually tried it) and Gay Mardi Gras, which is characterized by a massive street festival, a parade, and day-long reckless liver punishment (sound familiar?)

Check back in the next few days,

Kid Syd

Sydney Opera House with Sydney Harbour Bridge in the distance

Dave (Neighbor), Me, DJ and Jackie (Housemates)

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you're having a blast!! the first pic is amazing I wish my camera took good pics like that lol
