Friday, February 27, 2009

Live from Sydney!

Hello one and all!
Greetings from the other side of the world, where it is currently tomorrow. I arrived on February 26th after being in transit or 28 hours (Newark-LA-Sydney) but the flights themselves weren't bad at all. I flew Qantas from LA-Sydney and that was actually the best airline I've ever been on. I'm a big fan of On Demand on flights (watched The Wrestler and Vicky Christina Barcelona).
My house in Sydney is pretty sweet. I live with 5 other guys and 4 girls and we are connected to a house with the same dynamic. The people in my house are from Canada, Upstate NY, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. My roommate is from San Fran. They are all really good kids, and we've been going out and partying it up all together. The scene here is pretty chill. Boxed wine is the pregame drink of choice and most of the clubs play house music, which is definitely my scene. They are a little behind on the music but definitely know how to throw a good shindig.

Oh, so the best thing about my house is the location. I live about a 2 minute walk from Coogee Beach, which is absolutely beautiful. The sand is perfect and water is the nicest temperature. Every day is paradise on the beach and the weather is pretty consistent. One drawback is that there is pretty much no O-zone left here so the sun is really strong. I have a pretty nasty burn on my back to prove it.
Other than that, this is definitely the place to be and if you are considering study abroad I would definitely encourage you to think of Sydney. Shoot me a private email if you'd like to come visit while i'm here (til end of June) and I can definitely put you up. is the way to go for flights.
I'm going to sign off now but hope you enjoyed this post and check back often for updates.
Peace out from Paradise,
Iggy aka Kid Syd

1 comment:

  1. haha kid syd lol isn't sydney amaazing<3 ahh love it! enjoy your time and Slip-Slop-Slap!!! (have you heard that phrase yet? lol)
